
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

lettuce harvest

It’s my first year growing lettuce and I just cut my first large batch out of the garden. I can’t tell you what a rewarding experience that is. After buying it as the store for so long it felt great to walk out to the garden and know that what I was eating was 100% organic. The seeds cost less than one bunch of lettuce from the store. :)


Bringing it home and washing it all up knowing that I planted the seeds and God made them grow is just the beginning of my garden love. There is just something so rewarding about bringing in the first harvest from the garden. I really am not sure what kind of lettuce is on the top but it is an organic kind from Seeds of Change. The beautiful purple color is mustard greens and this was my first year to eat them. I love them! They add a wonderful flavor to whatever I am eating.


So how do I enjoy the lettuce and mustard greens? Just one of the ways is on a very tasty sandwich for lunch. Pile the lettuce high, add some cheese and ham along with a slice of tomato and enjoy. Don’t forget the sweet tea!


Are you gardening? What do you have planted? I went today and purchased 48 Arkansas Traveler tomato plants so that means I will be one busy lady for the next several days. I think I am hooked on gardening!

Have a blessed day.

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