
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

in the garden

Sunday evening and Monday morning we were blessed with rain. I love being in the garden after a good rain when the soil is still moist and weeds are easy to pull. Yesterday I was excited to find vegetables that loved the rain and proved that by growing taller. So I took the time to snap shots of what it is going on in the garden.


Sugar Snap Peas were planted March 17 and are doing very well considering we had some very hot days so early on in the year. This weeks weather is looking much cooler so I am hoping that they will take off and really start growing. I planted the bush variety of peas that said they didn’t need to be staked. However after watching the peas try to grab each other and vine around the mulch I finally decided to just go ahead and stake them. A little ladybug at work is always a welcoming sign. I love her bright red color against the greens and browns.


Myself and one of sweet little bug lookers picked the fewest potato beetles that we ever have this season. When we first started hand picking them it took quite awhile to get them all. This is the 5th time to have hand picked them and thankfully they weren’t on every plant and we only got about 20 of them. I think handpicking them is working!


Blue Lake bush beans were planted April 29. They have all come up out of the ground and look good other than the few that have some little holes where something has started munching on them. I will be investigating and watching closely to see if I can figure out who the guilty party is. I couldn’t find any little bugs yesterday when I looked. I have three rows of beans planted right now and plan to put out three more next weekend. I didn’t want them all coming up at the same time. :) Lettuce is up in abundance. I cut some off and it grows right back. Onions are all growing tall and some are starting to bloom.


and it never hurts to have a beautiful surrounding while gardening. We are blessed to have such a gorgeous location for our garden. So what’s left? Tomatoes, squash, zucchini, cucumbers and more beans. I think that will be all I tackle this year. I am looking to go even bigger next year and my ultimate dream? Grow enough to sell at the farmers market.

Have a blessed day!

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