
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

plaid quilts

I grew up in a home with a mother who hand quilted many quilts. Our home was one that had many piles of fabrics and you had to be careful if you sat in momma’s seat because more than likely there were several straight pins or needles in the arm of the chair. My mother loves auctions that are filled with quilt supplies and this is how she has mostly gathered her collection of fabrics. She learned quilting from my grandmother who has also made many quilts by hand. I am very blessed to own one of her masterpieces. Sadly quilting is getting to be a thing of the past that so many generations before us loved.


Growing up I vowed that I would never ever quilt! I had seen enough of it growing up and didn’t want anything to do with it. This past year found me desiring to sew and start my own collection of beautiful handmade quilts. I am happy to say that I have finally completed my first twin size quilt. Not only did I finish one but I finished two. Our oldest two children share a room and since one is a girl and one is a boy I needed something gender neutral. While browsing a quilt shop near our home one day I found these beautiful plaids and knew I had to do something with them.


They are not fancy and I didn’t even take the time to hand quilt them. I love the look of old blankets that are tied and so that is what I chose to do with mine. It was a simple quilt with blocks sewn together of various neutral colored plaids. My children love them and I am happy to have finally finished a project that I swore I would never do.

Have a blessed day!

Linking up:
Homestead Revival: Barn Hop
Our Simple Farm: Simple Living


  1. you have a lovely blog
    and i too
    love old quilts and blankets
    worn with age

    i am now following you
    via Linky Followers
    and hope you'll take a moment
    to visit me too!


  2. Your quilt is beautiful - just lovely! I have been thinking that I want to do a post about the first quilt I made...but in the past week, both my sweet daughter and my cat have both thrown up on it! So the next time it's clean and dry, maybe I can get a photo taken, lol.

    I found you through the homestead barn hop - I've got a few things posted there too. Looking forward to your future posts!
    -Laura at TenThingsFarm

  3. gorgeous! I envy people that can quilt.

  4. Hey Sarah, I have been seeing your name followed by on pinterest and didn't really connect the dots until today. I am glad i did. I love your blog and will try to keep up with it. Love your quilt! I am going to try those snacks too. I have never tried Annika on coconut, but I know Greg loves it.(I don't care for it.)


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